Saturday, May 30, 2020


Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

The foods we eat have a serious impact on our brain health and performance . And because the center of our body, it’s imperative that we keep our brains in peak working condition. The brain uses around 20% of the body’s calories, and it requires specific nutrients to remain healthy. Omega-3, for instance , helps build and repair brain cells. If you would like to enhance your cognitive skills, also as overall brain health, adding brain healthy foods to your diet is vital . So, here are the simplest brain healthy foods you'll increase your diet for both short-term benefits (like increased concentration for studying) and long-term benefits (such as Alzheimer’s prevention).

Best Brain Healthy Foods:
Brain healthy foods contain specific components that support brain health. the foremost common components found in brain healthy foods are omega-3 and other healthful fats, b vitamins, lutein and antioxidants like flavonoids and vitamin E .

1. Walnuts
Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

Walnuts are one among the simplest brain healthy foods because they’re an excellent source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E . This helps with preserving memory and preventing cognitive decline. Studies have shown walnuts also can improve concentration, memory, brain processing speed, general cognitive test scores, and nerve cell growth and communication.

Other nuts to eat include:

  • almonds
  • hazelnuts
  • pistachios

If you’re studying for a test or planning an enormous project, keep a couple of walnuts close by!

2. bittersweet chocolate
Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

Dark chocolate contains cacao (cocoa). Cacao contains flavonoids, a kind of antioxidant. Antioxidants are essential to brain health, as they assist reduce oxidative stress, and risk of brain disorder .

One study in 2013 found that the flavonoids in bittersweet chocolate may encourage neuron and vessel growth within the areas of the brain related to memory and learning. they will also help stimulate blood flow within the brain.

Using imaging methods, researchers also found that bittersweet chocolate with 70% cacao could improve brain plasticity, which is vital for learning and even rewiring the brain.

When you feel a appetite approaching , choose brain healthy bittersweet chocolate with a minimum of 70% cacao.

3. Avocados
Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

Avocados aren't only delicious, they're extremely nutritious. Avocados are crammed with unsaturated fats, fiber and lutein, which may improve cognitive health. Also, high vital sign is linked to cognitive decline, and eating unsaturated fats may can help reduce vital sign . consistent with one study, people that ate one fresh avocado each day saw a serious improvement in their memory and problem-solving abilities.

Instead of “An apple a day”, it should be, “An avocado each day , keeps the doctor away!”

4. Green Tea
Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

Green tea is one among the simplest brain healthy “foods” for nearly every aspect of brain health.

Firstly, it boosts brain functions, like alertness, performance, focus and memory.

Secondly, it contains L-theanine (an aminoalkanoic acid which will increase the neurotransmitter GABA), which helps reduce anxiety and improve mood. L-theanine also improves alpha rhythm frequencies, which stimulates you and provides you energy—but, unlike most caffeinated drinks, it also relaxes you at an equivalent time.

Lastly, tea is crammed with polyphenols and antioxidants which will help protect the brain from mental decline, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Try swapping out 1 coffee for 1 tea each day . The caffeine boosts alertness, the antioxidants protect the brain, and therefore the L-thiamine helps you relax. It’s the right potion for ninja-like focus!

5. Wild Salmon
Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

When it involves the brain healthy foods, salmon is usually at the highest of the list. Salmon and other fatty fish, are rich in omega-3, which may be a key building block of the brain. About 60% of our brain consists of fats, and half that fat consists of omega-3 fats! So, you can’t miss out on omega-3 rich foods like salmon.

Furthermore, fatty fish helps build the brain and nerve cells that are necessary for memory and learning. It also helps keep off age-related mental decline and disease.

Salmon can even effect the brain matter itself. consistent with one study, people that ate fatty fish regularly had more grey matter in their brain—which contains the nerve cells involved in deciding , emotion and focus.

On the opposite hand, not getting enough omega-3 is related to depression and learning impairments.

Other fish to eat include:

  • sardines
  • trout
  • anchovies

Omega-3 is important to both cognitive function and psychological state . attempt to eat fatty fish twice every week for brain health. Omega-3 supplements also are available.

6. Blueberries
Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

Commonly mentioned as “brainberries”, blueberries contain flavonoids that help memory, and anthocyanins that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. A study at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that participants that consumed two or more servings of blueberries and strawberries hebdomadally saw a delay in age-relate memory decline by up to 2.5 years. Blueberries also help with preventing oxidative stress and neurodegenerative diseases.

Furthermore, a number of the antioxidants in blueberries are shown to collect within the brain and improve nerve cell communication.

Try to eat 1 cup of blueberries a day—fresh, frozen, or freeze-dried. Sprinkle over cereal or oatmeal. or maybe cover them with melted bittersweet chocolate for double the brain boost!

7. Eggs
Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

Eggs are an excellent source of the many brain healthy nutrients, including vitamin B6 , vitamin B12 , folate and choline.

B vitamins are indispensable, and play several roles in brain and systema nervosum function. they assist your cells communicate and produce energy. they assist your body with reading ordering , so you'll function optimally.

They’re also needed within the formation of healthy red blood cells.

Additionally, B vitamins help prevent brain shrinkage and slow age-related decline.

On the contrary, B-complex vitamin and folate deficiency are linked to depression.

Choline may be a micronutrient that your body must so as to grow acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate memory and mood. Studies have found higher choline intake to be related to better memory and cognitive function.

Unfortunately, most of the people don’t get enough choline in their diet though. The recommend dose of choline is 425mg per day for ladies , and 550mg for men. only one egg contains 112mg. Eggs yolks are one among the foremost concentrated sources of choline (necessary for mood and memory regulation), so eating them is one among the simplest ways to satisfy your intake.

Eat and egg or two within the morning to start out you day with mood boosting vitamins.

8. Pumpkin Seeds
Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

Pumpkin seeds contain potent antioxidants that protect the brain and body against radical damage. they're also an excellent source of zinc, magnesium, copper and iron—each of which is vital to brain health.

Zinc is significant for nerve signaling, and deficiency disease has been connected to many neurological conditions, including depression and Alzheimer’s.

Magnesium is crucial for memory and learning, and low magnesium levels are linked to multiple neurological diseases, including epilepsy, migraines and depression.

Iron deficiency is related to brain fog and diminished brain function.

Copper is employed by the brain to regulate nerve signals. When copper levels aren’t at the proper level, your chances of developing neurodegenerative disorders go up.

Other seeds to eat for brain health include:

  • chia seeds
  • flax seeds

Pumpkin seeds are one among the simplest brain healthy foods because they contain numerous of the micronutrients needed for brain longevity and psychological state .

9. Turmeric
Brain Healthy Foods | Top 15 Best Brain Foods

Turmeric, often utilized in Indian dishes like curry, may be a flavorful spice with brain boosting benefits. Turmeric is one among the brain foods due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Curcumin (found in turmeric) can help improve memory in people with Alzheimer’s. it's going to also help remove the amyloid plaques that are a characteristic of Alzheimer’s.

Curcumin also boosts serotonin and dopamine levels, which improves mood and motivation.

One study even found that curcumin could improve depression symptoms even as very much like an antidepressant!

Additionally, it increases the brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a somatotropin that helps brain cells grow.

Turmeric makes the “best brain healthy foods” list for its superior anti-inflammatory effects.

10. Greek Yogurt

The vitamins and minerals in Greek yogurt help relieve stress and supply energy to the brain and body. Furthermore, studies suggest that probiotics (found in foods with active cultures) can help protect against cognitive decline and age-related amnesia . to not mention, probiotics are important for gut health, and therefore the gut and brain are found to be directly connected.

Instead of going for frozen dessert , try Greek yogurt topped with a couple of granola or fresh berries. it'll help support your brain energy, unlike frozen dessert , which depletes it.

11. Oatmeal

Oats contain soluble fiber, which removes cholesterol and prevents plaque from build up within the arteries. Clear arteries help make sure that the blood is flowing properly, which may help reduce the danger of stroke or dementia. Oatmeal is additionally one among the simplest brain foods because it contains many vitamin E .

It’s also a staple within the Mediterranean diet—a diet that’s been shown to enhance cognition.

Other whole grains to eat include:

  • barley
  • brown rice
  • whole-grain bread
  • whole-grain pasta
  • Oatmeal isn't only brain healthy, it also boosts long-term energy and keeps you full longer.

If energy is what you’re trying to find , inspect these 23 power snacks that are bound to keep your energy up!

12. Broccoli

Broccoli is one among the simplest brain healthy foods because it contains powerful plant compounds, and enough vitamin K to satisfy your recommended daily intake with just 1 cup. vitamin K is important for developing sphingolipids, a kind of fat that's tightly compacted into brain cells. And studies have connected higher vitamin K intake to enhanced memory.

Pairing broccoli with wild salmon and rice for lunch can help keep your brain working through the afternoon slump!

13. Kale

Like broccoli, kale is another vegetable with many brain boosting benefits. this is often because dark greens are the foremost powerful source of lutein—which has been shown to possess positive effects on multiple brain functions. Eating only one serving of green vegetables each day can help slow cognitive decline as you age.

Other dark leafy greens to eat:

  • brussels sprouts
  • cauliflower
  • bok choy
  • cabbage

Like blueberries and avocados, kale is additionally considered an excellent food, so you can’t fail by adding a touch to your diet.

14. Oranges

Vitamin C plays a serious role in preventing mental decline. Luckily, only one orange is enough to satisfy your daily intake. vitamin C may be a potent antioxidant that fights off free radicals which will damage your brain cells. It also helps defend against Alzheimer’s.

Other vitamin C fruits to eat include:

  • kiwi
  • bell peppers
  • guava
  • tomatoes

15. Coffee

Several studies have found that coffee boosts concentration, mood, alertness, energy levels, response time and general mental function. it's going to even help with solidifying new long and short-term memories. A study at Johns Hopkins University did a study on two groups, where one group took a caffeine tablet, and one group took a placebo, and proceeded to review a group of images. the subsequent day, the group who took the caffeine tablets correctly identified more images than the placebo group, suggesting that caffeine helped participants solidify new memories better.

In the end of the day , drinking coffee is additionally related to reduced risk of neurological conditions, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s—most likely thanks to its high levels of antioxidants.

If you would like to focus, learn something new, or study something really important, coffee may be the right companion. Especially when you’re during a pinch.

Eating brain healthy foods is important to both brain function and brain health. Incorporating the 15 brain foods above will help support your brain health, cognitive skills and mood.

Aside from adjusting diet, one also can enhance their brain function by:

  • Staying hydrated
  • Not over or under eating
  • Sleeping 7-9 hours an evening 
  • Exercising regularly
  • Reducing alcohol and drug use
  • Regularly reducing stress through practices like yoga, meditation and breathing exercises


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