Wednesday, May 20, 2020


50 Self-Care Activities with minimum me-time

50 Self-Care Activities with minimum me-time

Busy days, busy seasons… we all have them! In those times, it are often really hard to seek out time for yourself, especially when it involves decompressing and resting. Self-care is a crucial a part of taking care of your whole self, not just on the times where you would like it most. It should become a natural a part of your routine and yes, that has those busy days! We all need quick self-care activities that we rely on during these times.

But, I totally catch on . Sometimes it’s hard (and near impossible) to prioritize self-care because we will become so pressed for time.

To be honest, I’m in one among those seasons immediately . Michael and that i are close to give way subsequent few weeks and additionally thereto moving stress, we even have tons to affect since we’ll be selling our first home. #Adulting… Packing, cleaning, more packing, and 1,000,000 different transitions to work out.

Oh, and that we can’t forget that I’m also pregnant, which adds another level of craziness. (Good craziness! We’re so grateful.)

Since numerous folks are often tight on time some days, I wanted to place together an extended list of self-care ideas that take only 20 minutes or less to try to to . Are you ready for it?


1. choose a walk
2. Take deep breaths
3. Drink some fresh lemon water
4. Stretch or do some yoga
5. Open up the blinds – let the sun in
6. Take an influence nap
7. Wash your face
8. Spend time together with your pet
9. Have a healthy snack
10. Brush your hair
50 Self-Care Activities with minimum me-time

11. Apply some lotion – moisturize
12. Self massage your legs
13. Blast your favorite songs
14. Get during a quick cardio session
15. Call a loved one
16. Paint your nails (quick-dry!)
17. Light a candle
18. Spend time in prayer
19. Take a fast hot shower
20. shower your makeup
50 Self-Care Activities with minimum me-time

21. Color
22. Make a fresh cup of coffee or tea
23. Do a brain dump
24. Sit outside and do nothing
25. Use a meditation app
26. Unfollow people on social media
27. Declutter one room
28. Recite some positive self-affirmations
29. Do a cleansing mask
30. Write during a journal
50 Self-Care Activities with minimum me-time

31. hear a podcast
32. Use a hair mask
33. Practice gratitude
34. Delete unnecessary apps from your phone
35. Unsubscribe from emails you don’t want
36. filter out photos/videos from your phone
37. Write out 5 life goals for yourself
38. Clear our your sock drawer
39. try a replacement lipstick color
40. attend the drive-thru and obtain your favorite drink

41. choose a drive on backroads
42. Write a letter to a beloved
43. Brush your teeth & floss and additional time
44. Watch a funny video on YouTube
45. Do a puzzle
46. Make that doctor’s appointment
47. Sing
48. placed on your favorite outfit
49. enjoys your favorite snack
50. Plan a fanatical self-care day

Well, that’s a bulk of an inventory for ya! I hope you’re ready to deduct a number of your favorite quick self-care activities from this list and let me know which of them you opt to place into action for yourself! Whether you’re trying to find a fast pick-me-up time or you’re simply looking to be intentional with the 20 minutes that you simply have, these are some fun ideas all around.


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